Rabu, November 29, 2006

Tabel Pola Tulisan Merenda

Tabel lengkap penjelasan pola tulisan khusus untuk merenda (crochet) :
sumber dari CrochetCabana

alt alternate
approx approximately
beg begin, beginning

bet between
BP back post
BLO back loop only
bo bobble
BP back post
BPdc back post double crochet
CC contrasting color
ch chain stitch
CL cluster
cont continue
dbl double
dc double crochet

dc2tog double crochet 2 stitches together
dtr or dbl tr double triple
dec decrease
dir directions
dk dark
DNT/dnt do not turn
ea each
ex sc extended single crochet
fig figure 1 (picture of stitch)
FLO front loop only
FP front post
FPdc front post double crochet

fo finish off
foll following
g gm grams
gr group
hdc half double crochet
hk hook
htr half triple crochet
in inch
inc increase
incl including
inst instructions
ldc long double crochet
lp(s) loop(s)
lsc long single crochet
lt light
MC main color
med medium
mm millimeter
no. number
oz(s) ounce
p picot
pat or patt pattern stitch
pc popcorn stitch (also pop, pc, ps)
pm place marker
prev previous
rem remaining
rep repeat
rnd(s) round(s)
rs right side
rsc reverse single crochet
sc single crochet
sc2tog single crochet 2 together
sk skip
sl st slip stitch
sp(s) space(s)
st(s) stitch(es)
tch turning chain
tog together
tr triple (treble) crochet
x times (such as repeat 5x)
ws wrong side
yd(s) yards
yo yarn over
yoh yarn over hook

Mba Thata, makasih yaa.. :D

Berguna banget tabelnya untuk yang terbiasa baca pola gambar seperti dari buku-buku terbitan Jepang. Tabel ini berguna untuk menterjemahkan pola tulisan dari web ato buku-buku terbitan US.

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